What’s Your Situation?

I'm from the government.I'm here to help you.

Routine Tax Preparation. Every year as Spring approaches Mark Lee, and Trey Atkins, CPAs look forward to working with clients new and old.

"When we begin working together, I'll give you some good tips and advice which will minimize your last minute rush to get your stuff to me. Paying your taxes is painful enough, tax preparation shouldn’t be.”

You have to do it every year, you might as well make it as easy as possible. Flexible hours, personal service, and solid advice. Have your taxes done online, or stop by. Mark and Trey each have over thirty years experience helping clients like you get through another tax season.

...dog eat your homework?

Late Filing, Back-year Filing. Dog eat your homework? It happens. You’re not alone, every year millions of taxpayers file late tax returns. Or don't file at all.  

Sometimes there are returns due – but perhaps little or no tax due. You won't know until you get the returns properly prepared.  Determining an estimate of the actual tax due and beginning the process of payment or settlement is less painful when you have an experienced partner.

Call maui.tax and discover how to get yourself or your business 'back in the system'. We'll work with you to stop that sinking feeling you get when you go to the mailbox.

Fighting taxes in Maui

Problems and Enforcement. The figures add up, the facts are clear, and the forms are correct... and the IRS is still bugging you?

If you've received IRS or State Tax correspondence, you may not want to answer it all by yourself. You need a CPA.

A properly crafted response can sometimes make the matter go away. But incautious answers to questions you may not properly understand can increase the scope of your problem.

You need a pro. Mark Lee and Trey Atkins have the skills and experience to create the best outcome.

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